Recently, I went to see the film, 'The Hunger Games' , at one point in the movie, a certain line said struck me 'The only emotion stronger then fear is hope'. Now I wish I could say I heard this in a more inspirational film but unfortunately I can't :) :(
'The only emotion stronger then fear is hope'
This sums up what Clbbb is all about. Fi and I are trying to reach out to anyone and everyone who has/has had experience of an eating disorder. There is a huge amount of awareness of eating disorders out there but not always understanding. We want this blog to bring both awareness AND understanding of eating disorders to the world. We want to support, empathise, inspire and listen to all the amazing people out there who have first hand experience of eating disorders. We want to spread the word that although recovery is an incredibly challenging process it is 100% possible.
This blog's main aim is to connect, support and listen to people as they go about taking on this life changing experience. We are also here to provide information, love and understanding to those in the early stages of recovery or to those wondering if it is even possible. Fi and I both know what its like to be at rock bottom, when this horrible monster, known as the eating disorder, is so strong and loud that it feels like there is no way out. But please if you can relate to this, there is a life out there free of this monster. There is hope.
Fi and I can't wait to hear from you all. We're only getting this blog up and going at the moment but hopefully we'll have it up and runnng properly soon. We have so many ideas we don't know where to begin! Please feel free to email us about anything-advice, support, ideas or just to have a chat we'd love to talk to ya'll.
Thanks for coming onto our blog and taking the time to read this. Remember the only emotion stronger then fear is hope. There is hope and we will all get there.
Fi and Mae x
P.s. there may be some spelling and grammer mistakes. If this was Fi there wouldn't be (she is quite particular about spellings and grammer.) Me not so much but hey we're all perfectly imperfect right?!